District 11 Newsletter: July 6, 2022

District 11 Newsletter:  July 6. 2022

Greetings to everyone!

July District Meeting was held on July 6.

Meeting Roll Call:  Vicki, Roger, Tony, Ruby

GSR Report:  Roger reported no changes for SSAA Meetings.

Treasurer Report:  Balance $978.30; petty cash $9.00.  (proxy report from Vicki)

Old Business:  Need for more participation and volunteers.  We have no DCM or Chairperson.    (One of the responsibilities of the DCM is to update Area 92 Schedule.  We no longer have a password to log onto site.)

Preliminary discussions were for an A.A. Anniversary celebration to be held in Sunnyside at Trinity Church and Central Park on June 10, 2023.  We considered having it begin with a noon meeting at the church followed by games or events in the park including fair type food.  The Celebration would end after a speaker meeting at 5 p.m. We are open to suggestions…these ideas are only preliminary.

We decided to table further discussion of the A.A. 88th Anniversary Bash on June 10, 2023 until more interest is shown.

New Business:  Vicki offered to post minutes as a newsletter for the District on the District website every month. loweryakimavalleyaameetings.com   Suggestion was approved.

Tony was motioned by Vicki to be Corrections Chair, which was seconded by Roger.  Tony accepted.

Anyone wishing to contact Tony to assist or ask questions may call:  509-985-5130

The district will be raising money for Corrections support so they can purchase literature with collections cans at various meetings.  $7.50 was raised in June, which was given to Tony.

Meeting was closed with 7th Tradition and A.A. Pledge

District meetings are held the first Wednesday night monthly at 7 p.m. at Trinity Church in Sunnyside. 

The next District Meeting will be held on August 3.

Everyone is invited to attend the District Meeting!

Vicki S.    District Secretary