District 11 Handbook

District 11 Handbook

Written by the District Committee on 9-2011

Approved by the Home groups

What is the purpose of the District?

District 11’s purpose is to become more involved with the membership it serves by providing a forum, through the district meetings, where GSR’s, district committee chairs and AA members can gather information from home groups, Area 92 and GSO. This information sharing will be brought to the District meetings by the DCM, GSR’s, district committee chairs and any other AA member who wishes to participate. Our purpose is also to share AA to the outside world through the knowledge of the literature and experience of our membership.

How can District 11 fulfill its purpose?

To provide effective leadership through the election/appointment of qualified persons. To follow the District meeting format and remember to put principals before personalities by remembering that we are all here for the same reason “because we love AA.” We feel that we can also fulfill our purpose by providing and attending other districts service workshops not to be limited to Sponsorship Workshops, Home Group and GSR Workshops/Schools, Traditions workshops and by hosting Area 92 events such as Combined Committee Workshops, Area Quarterlies and Assemblies, Delegate Reports and other Area events.

Central Washington Central Office (CWCO): What is it and why do we support it?

Central Washington Central Office, being a branch of A.A., exists to aid A.A. groups in their common purpose of carrying the message to the alcoholic who still suffers.  To support that purpose, it maintains an office and communications equipment.  It produces and distributes a newsletter and meeting schedule, and distributes A.A. literature.  A volunteer staff responds to inquiries from the public and the fellowship. CWCO PO Box 762 Yakima Wa 98907  (509) 453-7680 and 1-888-441-6220

How to make changes to the handbook

A change can be made by any District 11 AA member by bringing the motion to the District meeting. After thorough  discussion by GSR’s and District Committee Members it is decided if a vote will be taken immediately or if the motion needs to go back to the Home groups for discussion and vote. If the motion goes back to the Home groups then each GSR is tasked with bringing the informed group conscience back to the District the following month. A motion is passed with substantial unanimity (2/3rds vote) of all present GSRs and Committee Chairs. Substantial Unanimity is defined in the 2011-2012 Service Manual page S56.

Third Legacy Procedures

Third Legacy Procedure is as follows:

  • The names of eligible candidates are posted o n a board. All voting members cast written ballots, one choice to a ballot. The tally for each candidate is posted on the board.
  • The first candidate to receive 2/3rds of the vote is elected.
  • Withdrawals start after the second ballot. If any candidate has less than 1/5 of the total vote, his or her name is automatically withdrawn-except that the top 2 candidates must remain. (In cases of ties for second place, the top candidate and all tied runners-up remain as candidates.)
  • After the third ballot, candidates with ;less than 1/3 of the total vote will be withdrawn automatically, except the two top candidates remain. (In case there are ties for second place, the top candidate and all tied runners-up remain as candidates.)
  • After the fourth ballot, if no candidate has 2/3rds of the total vote, the candidate with the smallest total is automatically withdrawn, except that the top 2 candidates remain. In case there are ties for second place, the top candidate and all tied second-place candidates remain. At this point, the chairperson asks for a motion, second, and simple majority of hands on conducting a 5th and final ballot. If this motion is defeated, balloting is over and the choice is made by lot-“going to the hat” immediately. If motion carries, a fifth and final ballot is conducted.
  • If after the fifth ballot no election occurs, the chairperson announces that the choice will be made by lot (from the hat). At this point, the top 2 candidates remain. In case there are ties for first place, all tied first place candidates remain. In case there are no ties for first place, thee top candidate and any tied second-place candidates remain.
  • Lots are then drawn by the teller, and the first one “out of the hat” is the officer.

2010-2011 Service Manual page S21-22 with modifications to fit district

Business Meeting Format

  • Open with Serenity Prayer
  • Read Traditions
  • Read Concepts
  • DCM Report
  • Alt Dec Report
  • Secretary  Report
  • Treasures Report
  • Committee Reports
    • Treatment Committee
    • Corrections Committee
    • Public Information/Cooperation With the Professional Community
    • Archives
    • Others can be added
  • Old Business
    • When discussion has already been heard
  • New Business
    • Something not discussed yet
  • Group Sharing
    • Each GSR is given the opportunity for a brief report on how the group is doing
  • Problem &  Solutions sharing
    • Any AA member can bring a concern to the district to gather information on how to handle the situation.

Officer/Committee job descriptions


Budget: $400 quarterly to be used for travel, lodging, meals and registration for the (4) Area 92 quarterlies and assemblies held in Jan, April, July and Oct each year. Other expenses incurred will be reimbursed out of the District 11 general fund. This is a 2 year commitment.

Job Description

  1. Attend monthly district business meetings
  2. This is a 2 year commitment.
  3. Carry all information from district to the area and GSO and back
  4. Attend the (4) Area 92 quarterlies and assemblies held in Jan, April, July and Oct each year as well as other service related functions such as Combined Committee workshop
  5. Attend the March Combined Committee Workshop in an effort to gather more information as to the agenda topics for the General Service Workshop
  6. Be available to visit all home group within the district and encourage them to attend the monthly business meeting
  7. Bring background information on a few of the General Service Conference agenda topics to the district meeting so that the home groups can become informed about the goings on at GSO and then be prepared to carry the groups conscience to the
    April Pre-Conference Assembly.
  8. Encourage the District committees chairs to get active and hold committee meetings so all interested AA members may become involved in service
  9. Have a basic knowledge and understanding of the Traditions and Concepts
  10. Have a basic knowledge and understanding of the Area 92 handbook and the AA Service Manual
  11. Encourage GSRs to attend a GSR School/workshop
  12. For more information see Chapter 3 in the AA Service Manual


Budget-none. This is a 2 year commitment

Job description

  1. Attend monthly district meetings
  2. This is a 2 year commitment.
  3. Attend all functions with DCM when possible
  4. Be available to visit all home group within the district and encourage them to attend the monthly business meeting
  5. Serve as the District Registrar making sure the all group information is current with GSO and on the Area website (schedules) www.area92aa.org. You will receive copies of the registered group information from the Area Registrar (Alt Delegate) and the Centeral Washington Central Office
  6. Keep district schedules updated and printed for disbursement at district meetings
  7. Have a basic knowledge and understanding of the Traditions and Concepts
  8. Have a basic knowledge and understanding of the Area 92 handbook and the AA Service Manual
  9. Facilitate the District business meetings when the DCM is unable to attend
  10. Be available to attend area quarterlies and assemblies if the DCM is unable to attend


Budget $100 yearly to cover copy, envelope, stamps and other necessary supplies to fulfill job description.

Job Description

  1. Attend monthly district meeting and take notes of what happens. If unable to attend find a replacement (alt secretary)  for that meeting
  2. This is a 2 year commitment.
  3. Snail mail or e-mail notes within 7 days to the district committee and GSR’s
  4. Read and have available copies of the previous months minutes
  5. Keep and provide and updated list of GSR’s, Alt GSRs  and district committee members to include full name, home group, district position, address and phone number and e-mail address (if applicable)


Job Description

  1. Attend monthly district meetings and provide a written financial report to include detailed contributions and expense
  2. This is a 2 year commitment.
  3. Keep report of group contributions and group numbers
  4. Pay all expense incurred by the district and its committees
  5. Receive group contributions and make timely deposits
  6. Have a second signature on account-this will be the current DCM
  7. Reconcile bank statements
  8. Be sure to have the following monies in District checking account
    1. DCM-$400 quarterly expenses
    1. Prudent reserve $500 to be used in emergencies only
    1. Secretary-$100 yearly expense
    1. Corrections-$100 quarterly expense after pink can monies are depleted
    1. Schedules-$300 yearly expense-schedules printed quarterly
    1. Other monies can be added as district committee positions are filled
  9. Quarterly disbursements of excess funds to Central Office, Area 92 and GSO
    1. 50% Central office CWCO PO Box 762 Yakima Wa 98907
    1. 30% WSEA 92 PMB Box 263, Valley Mall PKWY, E. Wenatchee, Wa 98802
    1. 20% GSO –Grand Central Station, PO Box 459, New York, NY 10164



Job Description

  1. Attend monthly District meetings and provide a report as to the going on within the district
  2. This is a 2 year commitment.


Budget-$100 quarterly plus monies gathered using the Pink Can

Job Description

  • Attend monthly District meetings and provide a report as to the going on within the district
  • This is a 2 year commitment.
  • Attend the 4 Combined Committee Workshops to gather information as to how to carry the message and report back to the GSRs
  • Become knowledgeable about the committee and how it relates itself to the outside world by studying and applying the experience of past chairs through reading the GSO 3 ring binder.
  • Facilitate Committee meetings and encourage interested AA members to attend and become involved in service.

Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC)


Job Description

  1. Attend monthly District meetings and provide a report as to the going on within the district
  2. This is a 2 year commitment.
  3. Attend the 4 Combined Committee Workshops to gather information as to how to carry the message and report back to the GSRs
  4. Become knowledgeable about the committee and how it relates itself to the outside world by studying and applying the experience of past chairs through reading the GSO 3 ring binder.
  5. Facilitate Committee meetings and encourage interested AA members to attend and become involved in service.

Grapevine and Literature


Job Description

  1. Attend monthly District meetings and provide a report as to the going on within the district
  2. This is a 2 year commitment.

Public Information


Job Description

  1. Attend monthly District meetings and provide a report as to the going on within the district
  2. This is a 2 year commitment.
  3. Attend the 4 Combined Committee Workshops to gather information as to how to carry the message and report back to the GSRs
  4. Become knowledgeable about the committee and how it relates itself to the outside world by studying and applying the experience of past chairs through reading the GSO 3 ring binder.
  5. Facilitate Committee meetings and encourage interested AA members to attend and become involved in service.



Job Description

  1. Attend monthly District meetings and provide a report as to the going on within the district
  2. This is a 2 year commitment.
  3. Attend the 4 Combined Committee Workshops to gather information as to how to carry the message and report back to the GSRs
  4. Become knowledgeable about the committee and how it relates itself to the outside world by studying and applying the experience of past chairs through reading the GSO 3 ring binder.
  5. Facilitate Committee meetings and encourage interested AA members to attend and become involved in service.

MOTIONS PASSED AND FAILED-to be kept up to date by district secretary